Design Features
The CVS Rack and Pinion Actuator has been designed, developed and tested utilizing the latest technology and materials. This design is a rugged, reliable, high quality performer, allowing for a wide range and diverse economical sizing selection. The materials used allow for excellent corrosion protection and is NACE compliant. This design matches up to the latest global specifications; Low temperature rating good to -50C. Full conformance to the latest specifications: ISO 5211, DIN 3337 and VDI/VDE 3845 NAMUR for product interchangeability and easy mounting of solenoids, limit switches and other accessories.
Oil & Gas, Geothermal, Power Plant, Chemical & Petrochemical
Aluminium / Steel
Pressure and Temperature
52 through 700
ISO 5211, DIN 3337 Flange Mounting and VDI/VDE 3845 NAMUR