CVS Series 52 Through 700 Pneumatic Type Rack Pinion Actuator

Design Features

The CVS Rack and Pinion Actuator has been designed, developed and tested utilizing the latest technology and materials. This design is a rugged, reliable, high quality performer, allowing for a wide range and diverse economical sizing selection. The materials used allow for excellent corrosion protection and is NACE compliant. This design matches up to the latest global specifications; Low temperature rating good to -50C. Full conformance to the latest specifications: ISO 5211, DIN 3337 and VDI/VDE 3845 NAMUR for product interchangeability and easy mounting of solenoids, limit switches and other accessories.



Oil & Gas, Geothermal, Power Plant, Chemical & Petrochemical



Aluminium / Steel


Pressure and Temperature




52 through 700



ISO 5211, DIN 3337 Flange Mounting and VDI/VDE 3845 NAMUR

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