FLUITEK ORSENIGO Globe Pressure Seal

Design Features

FLUITEK ORSENIGO VALVES has a very extended experience in globe valves manufacturing. In this kind of valve, the disc is moving in a perpendicular direction away from the seats. This implies the disc-to-seat ring contact to be at right angle, which permits the force of closing to tightly seat the disc, reducing the seat leakages. Normally, the globe valves are arranged so that the disc closes against the direction of fluid flow.

The stem and the disc are not strictly fixed together, but the disc can swivel in order to guarantee the complete contact between the disc and seats surfaces. The disc can be plug type, needle type or parabolic type. FLUITEK ORSENIGO VALVES globe valves are on/off valves, but sometimes they are utilized in throttling service. In this case the parabolic disc shape is preferable, since the ratio between the stem position and the fluid flow is constant.

Cast body construction and forged body construction are both available. Packing systems are based on graphite material, but ceramic fiber yarn packing sets are also available for temperature exceeding 600°C.



Oil & Gas, Geothermal, Power Plant



Materials range from carbon steel to low alloy steel, to austenitic stainless steel, to nickel alloys. Materials are either to ASTM/ASME standards or to EN standards, either harmonized or calculated to design conditions.


Pressure and Temperature



Size range depends on pressure class requirements, FLUITEK ORSENIGO VALVES having no limits in relation to market requirements.



Pressure classes (per ANSI standard) are normally ranging from 900# to 1500# to 2500#. Class 4500# is also available to customer request.

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